17 December 2011

[How To] Remove your iPhone PassCode in case you forgot it!

The process is actually pretty simple. First you’ll need to Jailbreak your iPhone. The latest Jailbreaking methods can be found in our iPhone Jailbreaking section.  Next up is an open source program called iPhoneBrowser.  Lastly we need an SQLite browser/editor from here. Now we’re going to move along pretty quick here, so try and keep up:

1. Start up iPhoneBrowser with the iPhone in question plugged in.  In the status bar at the bottom it will tell you if the iPhone in question is  Jailbroken.

iPhoneBrowser Statusbar

2. Now to remove the passcode.  The passcode is stored in a keychain file along with other passwords.  So when you do this, you might also lose the password for the accounts email and your voicemail, oh and any wifi networks you had joined and pretty much every password in every app you have installed too.  The passcode is stored in /private/var/Keychains/keychain-2.db.  Backup this file and copy the backed up file to your desktop.  (Note: After backing up, click on the “Functions” menu and then click “View Backup Files” to get to the actual folder where the SQLite file was backed up to.  Copy the file from there to your desktop to work on it)


3. Open up the SQLite browser and open the keychain-2.db file now on your desktop.  Click on the second tab (Browse Data) and then switch to the genp table.  Find the row that has something like “DeviceLockPassword” in the acct column and SpringBoard in the svce column.  Delete this row using the DeleteRecord Button.  Hit the save icon and close the SQLite browser.

SQLite browser
SQLite browser

4. Now back in iPhoneBrowser, right click on the keychain-2.db file again and hit replace file option and then pick the saved keychain-2.db file off of your desktop that we just modified.

5. Reboot. Done!

TinyCFW: Create a custom IPSW for iPad2 and iPhone4

TinyCFW is a simple tool I put together for a friend of mine. He has an iPad2 GSM and has his 4.3.3 SHSH but since Apple is no longer signing 4.3.3, it isn't possible to downgrade to 4.3.3 without getting stuck in a 1015 recovery loop.
What TinyCFW is:

  • It will modify an existing ipsw for an ipad2 gsm/cdma or iphone4 gsm/cdma
  • It will create an ipsw that you can use with TinyUmbrella AND iTunes to restore to a version of iOS that you have SHSHs for.
  • It is primarily for iPad2 with a baseband OR iPhone 4.
What TinyCFW is NOT:
  • A jailbreak
  • An unlock
  • A tool to protect your baseband.
  • A tool that will restore your device to any firmware
  • A tool for use with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPad, or iPhone 4S
The usage is simple. Start the application (double click on the jar or run the .exe file). You must have java and at least 2.5gb ram. (Yes I know. It's a lot. Get over it. I didn't write this to be massively distributed. I wrote this for a friend and am now just sharing it with everyone). Once the window comes up, click the top button and choose an ipsw for which you have SHSHs for. The app will scan it and tell you the firmware and baseband versions in the ipsw you selected and the firmware and baseband versions that will be in the target ipsw when you click the second button. If you're ready, click 'Save Target IPSW'. This will take a minute or two and when it is finished, you will have a file named:

<your original ipsw name>.bbupdate.ipsw.

You can use this ipsw with iTunes and TinyUmbrella to restore your iPad2 GSM/CDMA back to say 4.3.3 (if you have 4.3.3 SHSH).

This is a VERY initial release. I never intended on it being a massively supported tool. It's just something I used in passing. If it helps you great! This functionality will exist in far more robust form when I finally ever release TinyPwn.


16 December 2011

iPhone 4 Siri Port Now Legally Possible Thanks To The New iOS 5.0.1 Release

The upcoming few days will be full of good news in the jailbreak community, starting from pod2g’s jailbreak news which we brought today and yesterday. The well-known iPhone hacker pod2g could test the iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak on all A4 devices and it will be released in few days. However, iPhone 4S and iPad 2 jailbreaks are not yet tested.

More news comes today; Apple couple of hours ago released a new version of iOS 5.0.1 for iPhone 4S build 9A406. This new iOS 5.0.1 build makes a lot of things possible.

Siri Port iPhone 4

According to the iPhone Dev Team’s brain member, MuscleNerd, iOS 5.0.1r2 (build 9A406) features decrypted ramdisks.

What does this mean?

To clarify this, with the new decrypted ramdisks in iOS 5.0.1, it’s now possible to write a simple script to legally extract the needed files from iOS 5.0.1 for Siri port on iPhone 4 and older devices.
The download is now publicly available on Apple’s servers so Siri port on all older devices is totally legal.
We’ve previously told you that Siri could be ported on all devices including the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS but the problem was in connectivity. Starting from now, hackers should just write simple scripts to extracts the necessary files needed for a Siri port.
We’ll surely keep you update but you can, as always, leave your mail here so that we send you the “most” important news about Siri port and iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak.
(Via MuscleNerd)

30 October 2011

How to Fix iOS 5 Update Errors 3002 & 3200?

If you found the iOS 5 update errors 3200 or iOS 5 update errors 3002, then don’t need to worry any more. The fact is…these are the common errors found while upgrading iPod, iPad, and iPhone to the new iOS 5.Well, you can get rid of this unknown error codes following the proper techniques.
iOS 5 Features 
Since the reason of causing this error isn’t precise, you will have to restore your device rather than simply updating it. So before you proceed further, it’s recommended that you take a backup of your all important data. However, many people find it tedious to take back-up, reset the device, and restore your backup. Still, here is another technique…So take a look, how you can fix iOS 5 update errors 3002 & 3200.
Step by step guidelines – How to fix iOS 5 update errors 3002 & 3200:
Step 1. Go to Apple server and download the iOS 5 IPSW files. Select the link which is related to your iOS 5 device: – iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 GSM, iPhone 4 CDMA, iPad (first), iPad 2 WiFi, iPad 2 CDMA,iPad 2 GSM.
(Note: the IPSW file size is more than 700 MB, so it’s recommended that you use any download manager which lets you resume the downloading if it gets broken in-between.)
Step 2. After you have downloaded the firmware file, close the iTunes and disconnect your gadget (iPad or iPhone) from the PC.
Step 3. Now you need to copy the IPSW files to the below location:
  • For windows users:%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\iTunes\iP{one|ad|od} Software Updates
  • For Mac users:~/Library/iTunes/iP{one|ad|od} Software Updates
Step 4. Plug-in your iOS gadgetto the PC with the USB cable.
Step 5. Start iTunes and select the update to upgrade your iPhone or iPad to iOS 5.
Now, it should automatically pick the local .ipsw files and upgrade the device without any -error (Neither iOS 5 update errors 3002 nor iOS 5 update errors 3200).
Moreover, you can also manually upgrade the iOS by keep pressing the Shift key while pressing Update. However, this step often takes you to the iOS 5 update errors 3200 or 3002.
So… here comes the end of your query: how to fix iOS 5 update errors 3002 & 3200. Following these steps will surely let you update your device to iOS 5..

06 October 2011

iPhone 4S Siri Assistant Voice Commands Complete List

The most important feature in the iPhone 4S is that Siri voice recognition feature that can answer questions and perform for tasks for users based on voice input. In case you’re getting the iPhone 4S, or the hackers were successful to port it to the iPhone 4, you will absolutely need this list of commands that Siri can do.

Siri Commands

Address Book
Querying Contacts
  • What’s Michael’s address?
  • What is Susan Park’s phone number?
  • When is my wife’s birthday?
  • Show Jennifer’s home email address
Finding Contacts
  • Show Jason Russell
  • Find people named Park
  • Who is Michael Manning?
  • My mom is Susan Park
  • Michael Manning is my brother
  • Call my brother at work
Adding Events
  • Set up a meeting at 9
  • Set up a meeting with Michael at 9
  • Meet with Lisa at noon
  • Set up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 9am
  • New appointment with Susan Park Friday at 3
  • Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today in the boardroom
Changing events
  • Move my 3pm meeting to 4:30
  • Reschedule my appointment with Dr. Manning to next Monday at 9am
  • Add Lisa to my meeting with Jason
  • Cancel the budget review meeting
Asking about events
  • What does the rest of my day look like?
  • What’s on my calendar for Friday?
  • When is my next appointment?
  • When am I meeting with Michael?
  • Where is my next meeting?
Setting Alarms
  • Wake me up tomorrow at 7am
  • Set an alarm for 6:30am
  • Wake me up in 8 hours
  • Change my 6:30 alarm to 6:45
  • Turn off my 6:30 alarm
  • Delete my 7:30 alarm
Checking the Clock
  • What time is it?
  • What time is it in Berlin?
  • What is today’s date?
  • What’s the date this Saturday?
Using a Timer
  • Set the timer for ten minutes
  • Show the timer
  • Pause the timer
  • Resume
  • Reset the timer
  • Stop it
Sending Messages
  • Email Lisa about the trip
  • Email Jennifer about the change in plans
  • New email to Susan Park
  • Mail Dad about the rent check
  • Email Dr. Manning and say I got the forms, thanks
  • Mail Lisa and Jason about the party and say I had a great time
Checking Messages
  • Check email
  • Any new email from Michael today?
  • Show new mail about the lease
  • Show the email from Lisa yesterday
Responding to Messages
  • Reply Dear Susan sorry about the late payment
  • Call him at work
Checking Up on Friends
  • Where’s Jason?
  • Where is my sister?
  • Is my wife at home?
  • Where are all my friends?
  • Who is here?
  • Who is near me?
  • How do I get home?
  • Show 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California
  • Directions to my dad’s work
Local Businesses
  • Find coffee near me
  • Where is Starbucks?
  • Find some burger joints in Baltimore
  • Find a gas station within walking distance
  • Good Mexican restaurants around here
Sending Texts
  • Tell Susan I’ll be right there
  • Send a message to Jason Russell
  • Send a message to Lisa saying how about tomorrow
  • Tell Jennifer the show was great
  • Send a message to Susan on her mobile saying I’ll be late
  • Send a message to 408 555 1212
  • Text Jason and Lisa where are you?
Reading Texts
  • Read my new messages
  • Read it again
Replying to Texts
  • Reply that’s great news
  • Tell him I’ll be there in 10 minutes
  • Call her
  • Play The Light of the Sun
  • Play Trouble
  • Play Taking Back Sunday shuffled
  • Play Alicia Keys
  • Play some blues
  • Play my party mix
  • Shuffle my roadtrip playlist
  • Play
  • Pause
  • Skip
Creating and finding notes
  • Note that I spent $12 on lunch
  • Note: check out that new Alicia Keys album
  • Find my restaurant note
  • Create a reading list note
  • Add Tom Sawyer to my reading list note
Phone calls
  • Call Jason
  • Call Jennifer Wright mobile
  • Call Susan on her work phone
  • Call 408 555 1212
  • Call home
  • FaceTime Lisa
Requesting reminders
  • Remind me to call mom
  • Remind me to call my mom when I get home
  • Remember to take an umbrella
  • Remind me take my medicine at 6am tomorrow
  • Remind me to pick up flowers when I leave here
  • Remind me when I leave to call Jason
  • Remind me to finish the report by 6
Checking Stocks
  • What’s Apple’s stock price?
  • What is Apple’s PE ratio?
  • What did Yahoo close at today?
  • How is the Nikkei doing?
  • How are the markets doing?
  • What is the Dow at?
Checking the Forecast
  • What’s the weather for today?
  • What’s the weather for tomorrow?
  • Will it rain in Cupertino this week?
  • Check next week’s forecast for Burlington
  • What’s the forecast for this evening?
  • How’s the weather in Tampa right now?
  • How hot will it be in Palm Springs this weekend?
  • What’s the high for Anchorage on Thursday?
  • What’s the temperature outside?
  • How windy is it out there?
  • When is sunrise in Paris?
Looking up information
  • Search the web for Bora Bora
  • Search for vegetarian pasta recipes
  • Search the web for best cable plans
  • Google the war of 1812
  • Search Wikipedia for Abraham Lincoln
  • Search for news about the World Cup
  • Bing Alicia Keys
Using Wolfram Alpha
  • How many calories in a bagel?
  • What is an 18% tip on $86.74 for four people?
  • Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?
  • How long do dogs live?
  • What is the Gossamer Condor?
  • What’s the square root of 128?
  • How many dollars is €45?
  • What was the Best Picture of 1983?
  • How many days until Christmas?
  • How far away is the Sun?
  • When is the next solar eclipse?
  • Show me the Orion constellation
  • What’s the population of Jamaica?
  • How high is Mt. Everest?
  • How deep is the Atlantic ocean?
  • What’s the price of gasoline in Chicago?

05 October 2011

How To Jailbreak Your iOS 5 Device On iOS 5 GM Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b2

It was mentioned earlier today that Apple will be rolling out iOS 5 for anyone with a supported iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch on October 12th. The iOS 5 Gold Master is already available to Apple Developer accounts though and furthermore, developers can also jailbreak it.

The iPhone Dev Team hasn’t yet released an official update to the RedSn0w jailbreak utility to support the latest release yet but MuscleNerd previously confirmed that you can use the recently updated RedSN0w 0.9.9b2 for Mac or Windows to jailbreak iOS 5 Gold Master. You will need to specificy the IPSW you want to chose and you should point it towards the iOS 5 beta 7 IPSW for now – until the new version of RedSn0w is out.

Remember that this is a tethered jailbreak, which means if you reboot your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad – you’ll need to connect to a computer via a USB cable and run Redsn0w again OR lose your jailbreak.

You can follow our step by step guide on how to jailbreak iOS 5 GM using RedSn0w 0.9.9b2 below, but first you will need to make sure you have the following things:

• iOS 5 GM
• The iOS 5 beta 7 IPSW for your iOS device
• The latest version of iTunes (iTunes 10.5 beta 9)
• RedSn0w 0.9.9b2 for your appropriate OS (Mac or Windows)

List of Compatible Devices

  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4 [GSM]
  • iPhone 4 [CDMA]
  • iPod Touch 3G
  • iPod Touch 4
  • iPad 1G
Download Links for Mac:
MMi Member Mirror for Mac
redsn0w 0.9.9b2 for Mac

Download Links for Windows:
MMi Member Mirror for Win
redsn0w 0.9.9b2 for Windows

The process is more or less the same whether you are using Mac or Windows. In this specific case I am jailbreaking an iPhone 4 GSM on Mac.

How To Jailbreak Your iOS 5 Device On iOS 5 GM Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b2

Follow the steps below to jailbreak your iOS device:

(If you have iOS 5 GM already installed please skip to Step 2, if you do not, start at Step 1)

Step 1: Download and install the iOS 5 GM onto your device by Holding Option and clicking Restore in iTunes, then selecting the iOS 5 IPSW and clicking Open.

Step 2: Download and place the iOS 5 beta 7 IPSW and RedSn0w 0.9.9b2 at a convenient location.

Step 3: Now start RedSn0w 0.9.9b2, click Extras, click Select IPSW, then point RedSn0w to the iOS 5 beta 7 IPSW(refer to the screenshots below):

Click to view the original image of 554x397px.

After selecting the iOS 5 beta 7 IPSW, you should see the following screen:

Click to view the original image of 467x176px.

Step 4: Go back to the main menu for RedSn0w and now hit Jailbreak, make sure Install Cydia is checked off, then hit Next (see screenshots below):

Step 5: You will be asked to make sure your device is turned off and plugged in, please make sure this is the case then proceed by clicking Next. RedSn0w at this point will give you instructions to follow to successfully enter your device in DFU mode (see screenshots below):

At this point your device should have scrolling white text initially and afterwards you should see the familiar RedSn0w pineapple logo with the current state of your iOS device. Just be patient and shortly after your device will successfully be jailbroken.

Step 6: Before you proceed, if you check your Cydia icon, you will see there is a blank icon for it. You need to successfully boot one last time. To do this, go back to the main menu on RedSn0w while keeping your iOS device plugged in and hit Extras, reselect the iOS 5 beta 7 IPSW, then click Just Boot. Follow the instructions to enter DFU mode one last time and it will successfully boot.

*Quick Note: You will have to reselect iOS 5 beta 7 for every subsequent tethered boot for now.

Voila! You are done! You have just successfully jailbroken your iOS device on iOS 5 GM

07 August 2011

Huawei Mobile Partner

Whats New in Version

* Drivers updated.
Fix the issue that WWAN subnetmask error.
Fix a bug of home provider name queried.
Fix a bug of packet service detached.
Modify the information about the NDIS link speed.
Add PID 1C1C in ew_jubusenum.inf.
Fix an issue that WWAN driver can't be released.

* New Skin Style.
* USSD Recieve Failed issue fixed.
* New font style.
* Fix Windows 7 (x86/x64) Compatibility.
* SIM Toolkit issue fixed.
* Online update added.
* New ICON for Mobile Partner.
* Screen size fixed.
* Mini Frame added.
* MMS Removed.
* Videocall Removed.
* WLAN/ADSL Removed.
* Custmization Removed.
* SkinMagic Removed.
* MAC New Style.
* All userdata to this folder (New)
\All Users\Application Data\Mobile Partner\

..:: Download Drivers ::..
 Drivers Version

..:: Download Mobile Partner ::..

29 July 2011

iFaith (The SHSH Dumper) Updated v1.2.1 without DFU loop

iFaith (The SHSH Dumper) Updated v1.2.1

when your device comes from Apple, it comes with a firmware pre-installed. If Apple is no longer signing that firmware, you wouldn't be able to save the SHSH blobs in the past. With ih8sn0ws new tool, you can dump the SHSH blob directly from your currently installed firmware. The way this works is that Apple has signed image files that show up during the boot sequence with the SHSH blob. iFaith allows you to dump your SHSH key directly from those files.

After you have dumped the files, you then patch the firmware file you are trying to downgrade to with your SHSH key, this firmware file is considered a signed firmware file. Once you have created it, you simply restore it in Pwned-DFU mode just like you would if you were restoring any other custom firmware. iFaith is compatible with mostly all iDevices except for the iPad2 and a few others.

Download iFaith-v1.2.1

These are instructions on how to dump the SHSH of your current firmware even if Apple is not signing.

For instance, you can dump the SHSH of the current firmware on your device, so long as the device is susceptible to the Limera1n jailbreak (Everything but the iPad 2) Apple does not have to be signing the SHSH in order for you to dump the blob.

*Note the iPod Touch 2G and iPhone 3G will not work since they will always be jailbreakable. The iPad 2 will not work because it is not susceptible to Limera1n. A jailbreak is not needed for this.

iFaith v1.2.1 Release Notes:
* Added iPod Touch 2G Dumping capability (MC-Model users recommened)
* IPSW Creation for iPod Touch 2G is still a work in progress.
* Fixed exe compression issues (resulting in many DFU loops on IPSW creation).
* Fixed any Windows XP issues.
* Source code coming soon to a github near you!

* It is currently not possible to add iPad 2 support.

Step One
Extract the downloaded rar file, and double click the iFaith.exe file.

Step Two
A disclaimer will appear. Read the notice and click ok to proceed.

Step Three
Click the Dump SHSH Blobs button

Step Four

Read the information and click Proceed when you are ready.

Finally, click the Let's Go! button to start the dumping process

Step Five
If you are dumping an Apple TV 2, indicate it when iFaith asks you

Step Six
Follow the DFU Instructions to place your device in DFU Mode. You can find more on entering DFU mode here.

Press Power and home for 10 Seconds

Release the power button, but keep holding the Home

Once Successful, iFaith will dump the SHSH of your current firmware. It will go through each step which could take a few minutes.

Step Seven
When completed, iFaith will ask you where to locally save the SHSH.

Indicate where you want to save the SHSH file.

Step Eight
iFaith will notify you that the process was successful 

20 July 2011

How To Downgrade Your iPhone From iTunes 10.5 To iTunes 10.3x On Windows [Guide]

Many of us tried out iOS 5 but with some time they wanted to downgrade their iOS device to iOS 4.3.x so to make this step you will have to downgrade iTunes from version 10.5 to version 10.3x, so if you don't know how we will cover you this guide that will help you to downgrade your iPhone from iTunes 10.5 to iTunes 10.3x on Windows.

STEP 1 : Before anything you must download the latest verison of iTunes which found Here

STEP 2 : Be sure that your media files are safe by locating your iTunes file which should be in C:\My Documents\My Music or C:\Users(your username)\Music in Windows 7. Copy the folder to another location just in case.

STEP 3 : After that open start menu and go to control panel, programs and features, uninstall the following things from your computer :

  • Apple Application support
  • Apple Mobile Device Support
  • Apple Software Update
  • iTunes
STEP 4 : when you are done, download CC Cleaner from here, install it and run it in order to remove all registry entries that are still lurking around in your PC created by iTunes beta, the process is automated.

STEP 5 : Restart your PC.

STEP 6 : Now, go to your iTunes file location (Not the backup you made earlier) and find the file named iTunes Library.itl and rename it to iTunes Library.itl.old, just like the image below :
STEP 7 : Open the folder Previous iTunes Libraries and find the file with the latest date prior to upgrading to iTunes 10.5 beta. In my case it was iTunes Library 2011-06-10.itl
STEP 8 : Almost done, now install the current non beta version of iTunes which you downloaded in the beginning , that’s it, you’re done!

If you faced any problem while downgrading, we hope to hear your problems in the comment section or on our Facebook page thanks.

06 July 2011

JailbreakMe 3.0: Notes, Problems, Solutions – Everything You Need To Know

After weeks of waiting and talking wrong ETAs, Comex has finally released JailbreakMe 3.0 to give your iPad 2 a simple and easy jailbreak. JailbreakMe 3.0 is the first untethered jailbreak for iPad 2 since it was released. Some users are experiencing some problems, issues, bugs with JailbreakMe 3.0 so we’ve made this post to cover everything related to JailbreakMe 3.0.

What’s JailbreakMe & How Does It Work?

In case you’re new to the jailbreak world, you must know these things. JailbreakMe 3.0 is a PDF exploit just like its previous version Jailbreak Me 2.0. It decreases the time you need to jailbreak your device. Unlike Redsn0w, Greenpois0n, Sn0wbreeze and PwnageToool, JailbreakMe is a userland jailbreak tool (which means that you don’t need to connect your iOS device to your computer to use it, just from Safari browser). By taking advantage of a PDF exploit in Mobile Safari, it can execute code straight from your phone, jailbreak it and install Cydia.

Supported Devices:

JailbreakMe 3.0 will only work on this devices:
  • iPad 1: 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPad 2: 4.3.3
  • iPhone 3GS: 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPhone 4: 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPhone 4 CDMA: 4.2.6 to 4.2.8
  • iPod touch 3g: 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3
  • iPod touch 4g: 4.3 to 4.3.3

Why Should I Save SHSH Blobs of iOS 4.3.3?

That’s a good question. You’ve to save SHSH blobs of iOS 4.3.3 right now because Apple is about to release iOS 4.3.4 to fix JailbreakMe 3.0 exploit and you may update to it by mistake. In case that happens, you’ll be in a safe area since you have your SHSH blobs saved. You can always restore to a specific iOS using SHSH blobs of it which Apple prevents. So go use TinyUmbrella (from here) to save iOS 4.3.3 SHSH blobs now.

iPad 2G problems:

Yes, there’s of course some problems with the iPad 2. Every positive must have a minus. You can’t save SHSH blobs for iPad 2G since since it has a baseband that runs a different firmware from iOS. iTunes will not be able to sign your baseband and it’ll refuse to boot and give you a 1004 error. The sad thing about JailbreakMe is it’s not a bootrom exploit on the A5 bootrom. To sum it up, SHSH blobs for iPad 2G will be useless as you’ll not be able to restore back to iOS 4.3.3. JUST STAY AWAY FROM iOS 4.3.4.


  1. Your Device is connected to Wi-Fi connection or 3G. But it’s recommended to be connected via Wi-Fi as it still have some problems with 3G connection.
  2. It’s recommended you restore your iOS device to iOS 4.3.3 (links here) especially for iPad 2 which will not work except it’s on iOS 4.3.3.
  3. It’s strongly recommended that you restore your iOS device as a new device. Just sync your new applications, music, videos, images, notes and contacts (on Windows, make sure you have Outlook installed) via the iTunes software following the restoration.
  4. For iPhone users, make sure you have your original SIM card before restoring since you have to activate your iPhone via iTunes.
  5. To avoid problems, before you jailbreak your iOS device, go to Settings then Safari and Disable “Block pop-up” then empty your cache, history and etc.
  6. Also make sure that you disable Auto Lock function from Settings then General.
  7. It’s possible that you can’t access JailbreakMe.com since the DNS server is overloaded. Just hold on, wait then try again after few minutes.
  8. PLEASE don’t update to iOS 4.3.4 when it’s released. It will kill your jailbreak.
  9. JailbreakMe 2.0 is still here. It’s compatible with all iOS devices iPad 3.2.1 and iPhone 4.0. You can access it by navigating your browser to www.jailbreakme.com/star
  10. It’s recommended to install “PDF Patcher 2″ from Cydia as shown below:
Take in consider that Comex will update JailbreakMe 3.0 to fix more bugs and add support for older devices. He was in hurry to release JailbreakMe 3.0 before Apple release iOS 4.3.4 so he released it with iOS 4.3.3 only support.
Please let us know in the comments section below in case you faced any problems. We’ll surely try to help you.

29 June 2011

iReSign – An Easier Way To Sign Cracked Apps!

iReSign allows iDevice app bundles (.ipa) files to be signed or resigned with digital certificate from Apple for distribution.
This is a very easy to use tool which can take the place of CrappStore & iPA God.

Mac OS 10.6+
A certificate issued by Apple – Which can be obtained at http://iMZDL.com/udid2
An .ipa file which you want to sign (Cracked App) – can be found on http://apptrackr.org
Note: Xcode is not required.
Note: This works on a Non Jailbroken iOS 4 & iOS 5 device.

Download iReSign on http://iMZDL.com
Open all the files and they will open up in the right location.
Open iReSign
Browse for the .iPA
Look in Keychain Access for your certificate. Example: iPhone Developer: Tommy Trang (I7U4261P80)
Type that were it says Certificate Name For Keychain
Click ReSign!
Done! The app is now resigned all you need to do it drag the resigned copy of the iPA into iTunes and Sync!
Note: Make sure you have the mobile provision on your device. To do that, email the mobile provision to yourself, open up your email on your device in safari (not the mail app) and download it.
Boom! Syncing should now work perfectly!