17 December 2011

[How To] Remove your iPhone PassCode in case you forgot it!

The process is actually pretty simple. First you’ll need to Jailbreak your iPhone. The latest Jailbreaking methods can be found in our iPhone Jailbreaking section.  Next up is an open source program called iPhoneBrowser.  Lastly we need an SQLite browser/editor from here. Now we’re going to move along pretty quick here, so try and keep up:

1. Start up iPhoneBrowser with the iPhone in question plugged in.  In the status bar at the bottom it will tell you if the iPhone in question is  Jailbroken.

iPhoneBrowser Statusbar

2. Now to remove the passcode.  The passcode is stored in a keychain file along with other passwords.  So when you do this, you might also lose the password for the accounts email and your voicemail, oh and any wifi networks you had joined and pretty much every password in every app you have installed too.  The passcode is stored in /private/var/Keychains/keychain-2.db.  Backup this file and copy the backed up file to your desktop.  (Note: After backing up, click on the “Functions” menu and then click “View Backup Files” to get to the actual folder where the SQLite file was backed up to.  Copy the file from there to your desktop to work on it)


3. Open up the SQLite browser and open the keychain-2.db file now on your desktop.  Click on the second tab (Browse Data) and then switch to the genp table.  Find the row that has something like “DeviceLockPassword” in the acct column and SpringBoard in the svce column.  Delete this row using the DeleteRecord Button.  Hit the save icon and close the SQLite browser.

SQLite browser
SQLite browser

4. Now back in iPhoneBrowser, right click on the keychain-2.db file again and hit replace file option and then pick the saved keychain-2.db file off of your desktop that we just modified.

5. Reboot. Done!

TinyCFW: Create a custom IPSW for iPad2 and iPhone4

TinyCFW is a simple tool I put together for a friend of mine. He has an iPad2 GSM and has his 4.3.3 SHSH but since Apple is no longer signing 4.3.3, it isn't possible to downgrade to 4.3.3 without getting stuck in a 1015 recovery loop.
What TinyCFW is:

  • It will modify an existing ipsw for an ipad2 gsm/cdma or iphone4 gsm/cdma
  • It will create an ipsw that you can use with TinyUmbrella AND iTunes to restore to a version of iOS that you have SHSHs for.
  • It is primarily for iPad2 with a baseband OR iPhone 4.
What TinyCFW is NOT:
  • A jailbreak
  • An unlock
  • A tool to protect your baseband.
  • A tool that will restore your device to any firmware
  • A tool for use with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPad, or iPhone 4S
The usage is simple. Start the application (double click on the jar or run the .exe file). You must have java and at least 2.5gb ram. (Yes I know. It's a lot. Get over it. I didn't write this to be massively distributed. I wrote this for a friend and am now just sharing it with everyone). Once the window comes up, click the top button and choose an ipsw for which you have SHSHs for. The app will scan it and tell you the firmware and baseband versions in the ipsw you selected and the firmware and baseband versions that will be in the target ipsw when you click the second button. If you're ready, click 'Save Target IPSW'. This will take a minute or two and when it is finished, you will have a file named:

<your original ipsw name>.bbupdate.ipsw.

You can use this ipsw with iTunes and TinyUmbrella to restore your iPad2 GSM/CDMA back to say 4.3.3 (if you have 4.3.3 SHSH).

This is a VERY initial release. I never intended on it being a massively supported tool. It's just something I used in passing. If it helps you great! This functionality will exist in far more robust form when I finally ever release TinyPwn.


16 December 2011

iPhone 4 Siri Port Now Legally Possible Thanks To The New iOS 5.0.1 Release

The upcoming few days will be full of good news in the jailbreak community, starting from pod2g’s jailbreak news which we brought today and yesterday. The well-known iPhone hacker pod2g could test the iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak on all A4 devices and it will be released in few days. However, iPhone 4S and iPad 2 jailbreaks are not yet tested.

More news comes today; Apple couple of hours ago released a new version of iOS 5.0.1 for iPhone 4S build 9A406. This new iOS 5.0.1 build makes a lot of things possible.

Siri Port iPhone 4

According to the iPhone Dev Team’s brain member, MuscleNerd, iOS 5.0.1r2 (build 9A406) features decrypted ramdisks.

What does this mean?

To clarify this, with the new decrypted ramdisks in iOS 5.0.1, it’s now possible to write a simple script to legally extract the needed files from iOS 5.0.1 for Siri port on iPhone 4 and older devices.
The download is now publicly available on Apple’s servers so Siri port on all older devices is totally legal.
We’ve previously told you that Siri could be ported on all devices including the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS but the problem was in connectivity. Starting from now, hackers should just write simple scripts to extracts the necessary files needed for a Siri port.
We’ll surely keep you update but you can, as always, leave your mail here so that we send you the “most” important news about Siri port and iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak.
(Via MuscleNerd)