15 October 2010

Update Your iPhone 4 IOS4.1 Without Upgrading Your Baseband Using TinyUmbrella


Follow this tutorial if you would like to update your iPhone 4 firmware without upgrading your by using TinyUmbrella! It is important that you read the TinyUmbrella readme file before you do anything else. The readme file is located here. Remember this tutorial is only for Window users a version of this tutorial will be available soon.

Note: This tutorial only works with iPhone 4.

Let’s begin!


Download Tiny Umbrella for Windows

Download iPhone 4 4.1 firmware

1. the TinyUmbrella for Window and iPhone 4 4.1 firmware from our listings.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

2. Right click on the downloaded TinyUmbrella.exe file (umbrella-4.1.6.exe) and select Run as Administrator the the popup menu.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

3. Alot of you might have Windows security enabled, if this alert comes up make sure both boxes are checked and click on Allow access.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

4. Please make sure your device is connected so that TinyUmbrella can detect your device and the firmware.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

5. Make sure Cydia or TinyUmbrella has an of the latest firmware. You can do this by simply clicking Save my .

Now click on Start TSS sever and ensure that you receive no errors.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

Once The TSS Server is “running” successfully, umbrella will kill iTunes. Leave TinyUmbrella Open.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

If you receive an error saying DO NOT CONTINUE. Then your restore will not work until the TSS server can not be started.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

6. Now open iTunes and hold Shift and then click on Restore.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

7. Navigate to the location and select the iPhone 4.1 firmware file you have just downloaded at the beginning of this tutorial from our listings.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

Click Restore to restore your iPhone

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

8. iTunes will give you an error (1004). And this what we wanted as this explains that our has not been updated.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

9. Now go back to Tiny Umbrella and click on “Kick Device Out of Recovery” as shown in the screenshot. If you have some issues by following this step then close TinyUmbrella and re-open it and do it again.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

10. That’s it you are done. You have successfully updated to by preserving your phone on old . You can now see that you are running your iPhone on but with old bootrom.

Tiny Umbrella for Windows

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