29 June 2011

iReSign – An Easier Way To Sign Cracked Apps!

iReSign allows iDevice app bundles (.ipa) files to be signed or resigned with digital certificate from Apple for distribution.
This is a very easy to use tool which can take the place of CrappStore & iPA God.

Mac OS 10.6+
A certificate issued by Apple – Which can be obtained at http://iMZDL.com/udid2
An .ipa file which you want to sign (Cracked App) – can be found on http://apptrackr.org
Note: Xcode is not required.
Note: This works on a Non Jailbroken iOS 4 & iOS 5 device.

Download iReSign on http://iMZDL.com
Open all the files and they will open up in the right location.
Open iReSign
Browse for the .iPA
Look in Keychain Access for your certificate. Example: iPhone Developer: Tommy Trang (I7U4261P80)
Type that were it says Certificate Name For Keychain
Click ReSign!
Done! The app is now resigned all you need to do it drag the resigned copy of the iPA into iTunes and Sync!
Note: Make sure you have the mobile provision on your device. To do that, email the mobile provision to yourself, open up your email on your device in safari (not the mail app) and download it.
Boom! Syncing should now work perfectly!

21 June 2011

Use Gevey Ultra SIM Unlocks iPhone 4 Without Manually Calling 112 [Video]

Well, Today Gevey SIM card has just released Ultra SIM which will unlock iPhone 4 without dialing maunally 112, yeah that's great This method of unlocking was detailed by Laforet in a recent blog post. Depending on your location, calling 112, even for a split second, could be illegal.

It appears that Gevey has managed to automate the process, making the unlock much easier for the end user. They have also reduced the amount of times 112 has to be dialed. "Once installed, no more 112. Restart the phone and get signal directly."

And here's Gevey Ultra SIM features :

● iOS 4.0, 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.3, 4.3.1, 4.3.2,and 4.3.3
● Baseband 1.59, 2.10, 3.10.1, 4.10, 4.10.1
● Custom Sim Tray
● MicroSim Sticker Guild

And all what we have got is Gevey Ultra SIM will be available soon for $28.00, you can watch the video below :

11 June 2011

How to Jailbreak iOS 5 with RedSn0w 0.9.8b AND How To Tether Boot

There is a space between man's imagination and man's attainment that may only be traversed by his longing.
Ok, many guys love asking, love what I'm sure they know, and love steps.
They sent me after the main post Redsn0w 0.9.8 Download Available.. Brings iOS 5 Jailbreak, hop to write the steps they have to do. Although I don't love repeating myself, here is the steps because I love them.
Note: I added How To Tether Boot because i'm sure many other will ask about it.

First: How to Jailbreak iOS 5 with RedSn0w 0.9.8b   

Step 1

Download RedSn0w 0.9.8b
Download iTunes 10.5 beta
Download iOS 5 beta

Step 2

Restore iOS 5 beta on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and keep it connected to your computer via USB.
Note: You can skip this step if you’re already running iOS 5 beta.

Step 3

Execute the Redsn0w 0.9.8

Step 4

Hit the Browse button and select iOS 5 beta firmware (that downloaded in Step 1). 
RedSn0w will recognize your IPSW file. Then hit Next.

Step 5

Check mark “Install Cydia” and hit Next.

Step 6

Make sure your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch is turned OFF and Plugged in to your computer. Hit Next.

Step 7

Now you’ll be instructed to put your iDevice into DFU Mode (Read More Below). Follow the on screen instructions.
  1. Hold Down The Power (Corner) button for 3 Seconds
  2. Without releasing the Power button, also hold down the Home (Bottom Center) button for 10 seconds
  3. Without releasing the Home button, release the Power button BUT KEEP holding the Home button for 15 seconds
Once you’ve successfully entered into DFU mode, RedSn0w will start jailbreaking iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod Touch 4G, 3G on iOS 5 tethered. When done! your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad will be jailbroken tethered on iOS 5.

Second: How To Tether Boot

Each time you reboot/restart/turn off your iDevice you will have to connect it to a computer in order to boot it into jailbreak state. In order to do that:
  1. Open Redsn0w
  2. Provide it the IPSW file
  3. Choose the option Just boot tethered right now and proceed.
What Is DFU Mode DFU stands for Device Firmware Update. Unlike Recovery Mode, DFU Modedoesn’t load the firmware/OS currently installed before restore attempt. DFU modewill be considered as a last resort to restore if a restore using Recovery Modedoesn’t work and you are getting error while restoring you device.
How to Put iPhone in DFU Mode
Step 1: Open iTunes and connect the iPhone via USB.

Step 2: Press and hold the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button at the same time. (for exact 10 seconds)

Step 3: Release the Sleep/Wake, But Keep holding the Home button until iTunes pops up that it has found an iPhone in Recovery Mode.

It may take a few attempts to get your iPhone into DFU mode. Generally, I hold down both buttons then release the Wake/Sleep button just before I think the Apple logo would appear. If you are still holding both buttons down and you see the Apple logo you are holding them down for too long!

07 June 2011

Download iOS 5 Direct Links IPSW Firmware

Download iOS 5 direct links The guys over Jailbreakzone uploaded all iOS 5 firmware ipsw files for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G, iPod touch 3G, iPad 1, iPad 2 and Apple TV 2G.

Download iOS 5 Direct Links Important notes:

  • Please note that this is iOS 5 beta 1 for SDK, and no there is no jailbreak available for iOS 5 so far.
  • Your device will need to be activated, you can activate your device by going to iOS Activations for that. Install a beta on a non-activated device will render it useless.

Apple TV 2G (4.4, 303.55MB)

iPad 1G (669.66MB)

iPad 2 (WiFi, 677.89MB)

iPad 2 (GSM, 685.17MB)

iPad 2 (CDMA, 691.77MB)

iPhone 3GS (609.2MB)

iPhone 4 (GSM, 730.2MB)

iPhone 4 (CDMA, 744.01MB)

iPod Touch 3G (578.16MB)

iPod Touch 4G (717.74MB)

iTunes 10.5 (Mac OS X, 71.55MB)

iTunes 10.5 (Windows x86/32-bit, 72.48MB)

iTunes 10.5 (Windows x64(64-bit, 74.07MB)