18 May 2011

iPhone/iPod Touch Voice Commands

An iPhoneSpeech commands are one of the great new features of the iPhone 3GS. It’s an accessibility feature that will help blind and mobility impaired users, and will also have significant benefit for people driving or doing other things while using their iPhone.
New!Updated for iOS 4! There are only a few small differences between the iPhone OS 3.2 commands and the new iOS 4 or iPhone 4 commands. These differences are highlighted with this “New!” icon.
Screenshot of the iPhone 4 Voice Control Screen
iPhone 4 Voice Control Screen
Here are all the speech commands I’ve seen people list for the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. The asterisks after some commands link to the place on the internet I saw the command reported. If you’re looking for something that you can print out as a memory aid, try the iPhone and iPod Touch Voice Commands Cheat Sheet page.

Starting Voice Control

Hold down the phone’s home button or the middle button on your headset until the voice control feature comes up on screen and you hear a beep. This should take about 2 seconds.

Phone Commands

Obviously, these only work on the iPhone and not the iPod Touch.
Call a contact
“Call” or “dial” plus the person’s name or nickname as entered into your address book. Optionally add the phone number type at the end, such as “home”, “work”, “mobile”. For example, “Dial John Smith Work” or “Call Mum”.
Call a number
“Call” or “Dial” plus the number, just as you would recite it usually. For example, “Dial 555 9592″.
Make a correction
Say “not that one”, “wrong”, “nope”, “no”, or “not that”.

Music Commands

These are the same for iPhone and iPod Touch.
Start music
Say “play” or “play music”.
Play from a specific playlist
Say “play playlist” and the name of the playlist. For example, “Play playlist gym songs”.
Play from a specific album
Say “play album” plus the name of the album. For example “Play album Dark Side Of The Moon”.
Play from a specific artist
Say “play artist” plus the name of the artist. For example, “Play artist Pink Floyd”. The alternate “Play songs by” plus the name of the artist has also been reported to work*.
Pause music
Say “pause” or “pause music”.
Skip to next song
Say “next song”. The shorter “next” has also been reported to work.*.
Go back to previous song
Say “previous song”.
Shuffle the current playlist
Just say “shuffle”.
Turn on Genius feature
Say “Genius”, “play more like this”, or “play more songs like this”.
Get information about the current track
Say “what’s playing”, or for more specific information say “what song is this”, “who sings this song”, or “who is this song by”.

Misc Commands

These are the same for iPhone and iPod Touch.
Ask the time New!
Say “what is the time” or “what time is it”.
Cancel voice control
Simply say “cancel”. With iOS 4 New! you can also say “stop”.
Get help
Say “help”.  

16 May 2011

Typing Limon font in Mac OS

Step 1: download Limon Keyboar layout from (Thank Sopheak for make this keyboard layout possible to post)
Step 2: Copy the Keyboard layout (LIMON.keylayout) to Library (the main one) >> keyboard layouts
step 3: Open System preference: Choose the apple logo on the top-left corner>>>System Preferences >>> International >>> Input Menu, scroll down and select Limon. The keyboard icon should appears on your menu bar, top-right corner.

Note: After that, you might want to customize your keyboard shortcut by turning off the Spotlight's keyboard shortcut in order to switch keyboards between Khmer & English by pressing opt+cmnd+space bar (Spotlight uses the same command). Otherwise, you'll have to switch the keyboard manually, which means you'll have to use the mouse to click and change keyboards

05 May 2011

Windows 7 OEM Recovery Partition Tools Creator v2.1.0

Windows 7 OEM Recovery Partition Tools Creator v2.1.0 | 23.3 Mb

Create a recovery partition to allow easy and fast recovery to a working state of Windows 7.
This is similar to the OEM recovery option used on brand name computers like DELL, HP or Compaq.
This IS NOT a backup software. It should NOT be used to backup a full install of Windows 7 with your personnal files.
Target audience
OEM system manufacturer
Power user
Home technician that is bothered to always reinstall windows of friends/familly computer

When burning to DVD, you must close the window to burn the next disk.
Required at least 3 partitions. More details in the instruction document.
Create a complete image of the Windows installation
Perform a non destructive reinstall
Perform a destructive reinstall
Repair/Rewrite boot sector
Offline file browsing
Easy to add Sata/Raid/Netword drivers in the tool
Media creator to create a DVD recovery set or a USB recovery media
Password protect the recovery tool to prevent user to access/reformat/reinstall
Nice GUI, no command prompt (except during installation)
French, English, Danish, Swedish, Italian, German, Chinese, Romanian language included!
Source code included for nearly everything
Based on CMD scripts with AUTOIT gui
Works for 32 and 64 bits version
ImageX included, so you dont have to DL WAIK just for it
Instructions included
Script to SYSPREP the computer included (generalize or not, keep drivers or not, rearm or not)
Option to create a Generic image file (please read instruction to have more details)


03 May 2011

Rooted Xperia ARC (LT15i .181 HK/Global)

1. Download:
-fastboot package: http://www.multiupload.com/BMJ24IL6XY
-32/64bit drivers: http://www.multiupload.com/0XZV1LXRVA

2. Go to: http://unlockbootloader.sonyericsson.com/instructions
3. At the bottom click 'Continue' and enter your IMEI (type *#06# to find out), name and email address
4. You should now receive your unique unlock key
5. Extract fastboot.rar and open fastboot folder
6. Hold SHIFT and right click on the background of the folder
7. Select 'Open command window here'
8. Connect your phone in fastboot mode (turn phone off, hold menu button and plug in USB Cable)
9. In the cmd windows type in fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version
10. If a value is returned, it means the phone is correctly connected
11.Type in fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xKEY and replace KEY with the key provided in step4
12. You're device should now be bootloader unlocked

Then, download the system image you needed:

LT15i_3.0.A.2.181_Global_Customize_system.zip (153.16 MB)

Downlaod the Android SDK (android-sdk_r10-windows.zip) via http://developer.android.com/sdk/
Extract android-sdk_r10-windows.zip to C:\
Extract the system.zip file to C:\android-sdk-windows\tools and you will get the SYSTEMFILE.img file. (Filename will get different)

Unplug the USB cable and power off the phone

Press the "Menu" button and plug the USB cable.

After that you will see the BLUE Notification light.

Go to the Start menu and click Run. Type cmd and press enter.


cd \android-sdk-windows\tools
fastboot devices
and press enter.

If you got XXXXXXXXXXXXXX fastboot that means your phone successfully connected.

Then, you can flash the system img to phone.
fastboot flash system SYSTEMFILE.img
and wait a few minutes. (Please change SYSTEMFILE.img to the file your have extracted)

After Flash operation complete, reboot the phone!